Sunday, April 12, 2020

How to Protect Yourself from Coronavirus if You Work as an Engineer or a Technician

I get from a lot of people as what can I do to protect myself from coronavirus especially this time of the year you have to remember coronavirus is a virus similar to kind of things that give us a cold or the flu so you want to protect yourself from Covid-19.

First, you have to wash your hands many times during the day especially if you are touching a lot of objects or in public areas. Wash your hands for 20 seconds at a time with soap and water that the best way you can clean the water alcohol-based hand sanitizer alcohol that's the key for killing that virus.

The other important fact that you don't touch your hands to your face until you wash your hands. Clean them with that alcohol-based hand sanitizer because that's how virus gets into your eyes or nose or mouth against best if you're in public areas if you are sick make sure you stay home so you don't spread the sickness any other people if you're out and about again washing hands is extremely important.

One more thing that you should cover up when you cough and sneeze so tou will not spray to others as well if you are taking care of someone that's sick you need to wrap that up to you in a little bit more and make sure that you really protect yourself as best you can and that might mean depending on what they're sick with incorporate face mask depending on how sick they are and if they've been diagnosed with something like coronavirus.

However, the biggest question is should I be using a mask the CDC is answer the question how many many times masks are not recommended for the general public at this point for a couple reasons. Number one coronavirus being very well contained here in the U.S. is very isolated is not going to community spreading yet so we don't really need the mask which can be cumbersome number to most of us don't use those masks appropriately because they were actually made the keeps bring it to other people not the other way around and the match the n95 mask which is one that could be recommended for this and could help a little bit is really hard to fit it will protect you from some of it.

Finally, you need to remember again the right now we're hearing a lot of news about the coronavirus is getting a lot of people overly warrior get anxious about it but it was simply a time to keep informed we really haven't seen those outbreaks is very well contain and hopefully it continues to stay that way.

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